Author Archives: pimo

Stack Overflow is a distributed company

If you are in the IT field of work you know  Stack Overflow, there is no doubt about it.
So you know how valuable and important it is in the scene and you simply love it.

In this video Oded Coster, Software Engineer @Stack Overflow  talks about how Stack Overflow works for the technical side, but also how his team works.

The video, taken from the Cloud Conf, is interesting on the whole but if you want to focus on the smart working side just watch between 4:40 – 10 min circa

Watch the video

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An italian TV show talks about remote working

I do not like television. It’s almost ten years I don’t have one, but undeniably in Italy, it’s still the most powerful media. So the fact that a TV show talks about remote working can only be a positive thing.

Here’s the original post.
(both the post and the show are only in italian)

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Remote working, a smarter way to work and live.

How to use this post:

This article is structured for optimization, you can initially read just some intro parts and titles () representing the highlights. So you can get a quick idea if the post may be of interest, in which case read also the details when you have time.
(reading time 15 min)

smart working, remote working


My experience

I’ve worked remotely for 9/10 years of which the first 6/7 as a employee and now for 3 years as a freelance (at the time of writing – 2016).
My remote work career began in a web agency where I worked for more than 12 years, in Italy. Working hours had always been flexible but at the beginning I always worked in the agency. So after more or less five years I took courage and I asked my manager if it was possible for me to try to manage 1/2 days a week  by myself. I must say that I did not even have to insist too much, however, there was already a good mutual trust built over time. From there I began a journey that gradually brought me to full months out of the office.
For various reasons three years ago I decided to quit my permanent job and to try the freelance way.
Today even more I carry on this idea working 100% or nearly in this mode.
Continue reading

I Am Online! 2.0

Every time working at a personal project is a hard way . You always have the struggle to manage it with your works and your all day life as well.
The same is for keeping your skills updated, studying new stuff and, especially in this field of work, this is as important as having works that let you earning money.

In this new web portfolio I have melted this two aspects together, taking my time, first of all to improve my javascript knowledge, meanwhile studying Angular.js framework and finally put both in practice designing this web site.

Personal projects and studying have also positive sides and the most important, I think, is that you really have the time to enjoy what you are doing. So as usual if you are not in a hurry, you can do better in a better way.

As always Frontend is made from scratch.
Created with Angular.js and Json Rest Api plugin to extract the WordPress DB in Json format.

So I am really happy I can say “I did it” this time again!

Enjoy your work everybody, I really hope that time gonna be gentle with you letting you enjoy the simple thing of doing your job, so everyone can create a little piece of a better world. 🙂

Cookies policy

This website collects and processes personal data by means of technical and analytical cookies for the following purposes:
– make the website work and work more efficiently (e.g. remember a user’s choice about cookies);
– collect anonymous information about how visitors use the website.  Continue reading

New hosting and code optimization

As a Christmas present I decided to change hosting and improve the navigation speed optimizing the site’s code.
This in order to achieve a better and faster user experience.
After several tests the previous hosting resulted being quite slow, so I decided to invest more and change it.
For a more complete work I optimized the web portfolio using the w3 total cache plug in, especially customizing the files minification.
Enjoy the new faster navigation!


Google crawlers now execute javascript

It seems to be real. It could be a very interesting and usefull thing, isn’t it?
Check it out:

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Will this really be the next future of web?

Will this really be the next future of web?
This very interesting article talks about the potential evolution to so called “isomorphic-javascript”.
It means JS directly into the server, to fix issues like speed page rendering and seo problems as well.

Check it out:

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